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Beijing Hip-Hop! Learn Chinese by listening to rap music with lyrics in English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese characters.

Simplified Chinese:

(1) 我出生在北京的宣武
(2) 从来没忘了爸妈的辛苦
(3) 一意孤行追求我的幸福
(4) 发誓有一天要搬出这个贫民窟
(5) 记忆中的蓝天 没有雾霾
(6) 金色的东方 鱼肚白
(7) 人生十字路 没路牌

(8) Walking on my way 我主宰
(9) 在路上的哥们儿都加把劲
(10) 掸掸裤子上的土 事都不叫事
(11) 劈荆斩棘 多么苦 都顶住
(12) 也许被迫长大 是种 多么痛的领悟
(13) 不想一缕千篇 的今天
(14) 用最不喜欢的方式来增长我的经验
(15) 受够了交际等于金钱和欺骗
(16) 就让我来打破常规 给自己设个期限
(17) All my words are from my heart
(18) 你却还假装听不见
(19) One love 给我的兄弟姐妹
(20) One love for my Beijing city
(21) I’m proud of where I’m from
(22) 老北京的旋律还在一直放
(23) 偶尔想家 心情有些惆怅
(24) 立志要让我的歌啊 他们都会唱
(25) One for the family, two for the show
(26) Three for my lady, four for the dough
(27) 没法下车像是晚高峰的地铁
(28) 一个疯子的孤独你们谁能理解 我的一切
(29) 渴望成功 急切 为了死后不留下遗念
(30) 当你离开的那一夜
(31) 脑细胞扩散到了极限
(32) 这不只是爱也许是种迷恋
(33) 要代表我的城市开拓旗舰
(34) 有时人生只差一念
(35) 遥不可及的梦啊 愿你早点实现
(36) 这是北京这是我的城
(37) 有梦想的孩子无所不能
(38) 请爱护她 像是爱护你的家
(39) 让下一代能称赞她美如画
(40) 让祖国的花朵在这里快乐的生长
(41) 我关心她的一切 除了GDP增长
(42) 被牺牲的环境是成为发达的通病
(43) 我愿放弃这一切换能呼吸的空气


(1) I was born in Xuanwu, Beijing
(2) Never forget the hard work of my parents
(3) I am insisting on pursuing my happiness
(4) I swear that I will move out of this slum one day
(5) The blue sky in the memory is not hazy
(6) Golden oriental, the sky is turning bright
(7) Life crossroads which do not have signs
(8) Walking on my way, I rule it
(9) The buddy who on the way, let’s work hard
(10) Dust off the pants, everything is easy
(11) Overcoming all obstacles, no matter how hard it is, Hold on it
(12) May be forced to grow up is painful to comprehend it
(13) Do not want to be stereotyped today
(14) With the least favorite way to grow my experience
(15) Enough of communication which is equal to money and lie
(16) Let me break the routine to set a deadline for myself
(17) All my words are from my heart
(18) But you still pretend not to hear
(19) One love to my brothers and sisters
(20) One love for my Beijing city
(21) I’m proud of where I’m from
(22) Old Beijing’s melody still playing
(23) Sometimes homesick, feeling depressed
(24) Determined to make them sing my song
(25) One for the family, two for the show
(26) Three for my lady, four for the dough
(27) Cannot get off like a late peak of the subway
(28) Who can understand a madman’s loneliness, everything about me
(29) Eager to succeed, eager to leave no regret after death
(30) That night when you leave
(31) Brain cells spread to the limit
(32) It’s not just love that might be obsession
(33) To open up the flagship of my city
(34) Sometimes life is just one mind
(35) Distant dream, hope you can realize one day
(36) This is Beijing, this is my city
(37) The dreamy child is omnipotent
(38) Please love her like how you love your home
(39) Let the next generation praise her picturesque
(40) Let the flowers of the motherland grow happily here
(41) I care everything about her except GDP growth
(42) The sacrificed environment is a common problem for development
(43) I would like to give up everything for the air that breathable

Traditional Chinese:

(1) 我出生在北京的宣武
(2) 從來沒忘了爸媽的辛苦
(3) 一意孤行追求我的幸福
(4) 發誓有一天要搬出這個貧民窟
(5) 記憶中的藍天 沒有霧霾
(6) 金色的東方 魚肚白
(7) 人生十字路 沒路牌
(8) Walking on my way 我主宰
(9) 在路上的哥們兒都加把勁
(10) 撣撣褲子上的土 事都不叫事
(11) 劈荊斬棘 多麽苦 都頂住
(12) 也許被迫長大 是種 多麽痛的領悟
(13) 不想一縷千篇 的今天
(14) 用最不喜歡的方式來增長我的經驗
(15) 受夠了交際等於金錢和欺騙
(16) 就讓我來打破常規 給自己設個期限
(17) All my words are from my heart
(18) 你卻還假裝聽不見
(19) One love 給我的兄弟姐妹
(20) One love for my Beijing city
(21) I’m proud of where I’m from
(22) 老北京的旋律還在一直放
(23) 偶爾想家 心情有些惆悵
(24) 立誌要讓我的歌啊 他們都會唱
(25) One for the family, two for the show
(26) Three for my lady, four for the dough
(27) 沒法下車像是晚高峰的地鐵
(28) 一個瘋子的孤獨你們誰能理解 我的一切
(29) 渴望成功 急切 為了死後不留下遺念
(30) 當你離開的那一夜
(31) 腦細胞擴散到了極限
(32) 這不只是愛也許是種迷戀
(33) 要代表我的城市開拓旗艦
(34) 有時人生只差一念
(35) 遙不可及的夢啊 願你早點實現
(36) 這是北京這是我的城
(37) 有夢想的孩子無所不能
(38) 請愛護她 像是愛護你的家
(39) 讓下一代能稱贊她美如畫
(40) 讓祖國的花朵在這裏快樂的生長
(41) 我關心她的一切 除了GDP增長
(42) 被犧牲的環境是成為發達的通病
(43) 我願放棄這一切換能呼吸的空氣