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Euskera Metodoeseyde

Rating 2.3

€2/month via Patreon or lifetime access for €10–€20


Spanish speakers can use Euskera Metodoeseyde to add gamification to their Basque vocabulary studies. However, we’re not sure it’s the most effective option. The app consists of one simple game: you are shown a Basque word and have to type in the word in Castilian Spanish, press accept, and then press verify. To help you, you can view a photo and occasionally an information board. At times, the choice of photo is misleading or relies on knowledge of Marvel superheroes. We couldn’t see a logical pattern behind how often the words are shown, and you don’t get the chance to view the word lists. As such, we wouldn’t recommend it for beginners. It can be buggy, and the payment and signup settings are frustrating. We opted for the Patreon subscription and so weren’t allowed to access the app until three weeks later. Meanwhile, for one-off payments, you have to purchase via email rather than through Google Play or the App Store. All things considered, Euskera Metodoeseyde is not our first choice of vocabulary tool. Clozemaster is an extremely similar resource, but it’s free and introduces you to vocabulary in context. Meanwhile, Anki automatically shows you the flashcards you find most challenging.