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Simplified Chinese

(1) 龙胆紫
(2) 跟着来自心跳的节奏 漫步在黄金年代的街头
(3) purple soul and loop
(4) 龙胆紫 再次带你回到那时候的flow
(5) 说实话谋杀了人的思想强制洗脑之后的伟大领袖统治我的祖国
(6) 熟悉的梦带着光划过眼前
(7) 直到窗外的噪音打扰了我的睡眠
(8) 你发现 我也发现了你所有经历遭遇的和我相同相似在想的问题
(9) 这么大的地球自由的人受委屈
(10) 贪的注入苦海下面是地狱
(11) 别装逼 谁想去 你离开我继续
(12) 得把注意力转移 翻来覆去考虑
(13) 想化解自私与矛盾被误会滋养的根 得罪的装得真的藏得深的像针
(14) 谁怕被扎破了除非你是玩了命的时代机器 还在得意着保了密的劳动积蓄
(15) 不可操之过急 这个社会主义目的让你骗了自己
(16) 新的开始 keep the underground loop
(17) 别冲动这不是你最想走的路
(18) 在城市里被现实打败的过程
(19) 自以为是与众不同可谁知道疼
(20) 这种态度 purple soul 在保护
(21) DJ MC 涂鸦和你的舞步
(22) 自然紫色的疗伤药水治你的疼
(23) 除非你伤口干燥的已经化了脓
(24) 还是按老规矩 keep fire burning
(25) 点燃 jah 的火焰燃烧 Babylon 的城市
(26) 如果无耻已经成为你生活的方式
(27) 那么我想让你看看什么才叫活得真实
(28) 每个身上的伤疤都代表什么
(29) 别拿出来炫耀了好吗 至少你现在还活着
(30) 可能最疼的感觉你早就已经忘了
(31) 但是我保证还有更新的 良心说唱
(32) 龙胆紫来自自然 生活在城市
(33) 根儿在地下家在ghetto混在街头
(34) 在那时候我没有别的选择只有拳头
(35) 但是我现在举起拳头是为了自由
(36) 紫色灵魂 帮你止血消毒
(37) 给你一个伤疤 是为了让你以后记住
(38) 当爱的力量大过与对力量的爱
(39) 这个世界才会和平你才会感到自由
(40) 站在自己的Hood, I represent my crew
(41) 江湖人是过河卒 路是不归路
(42) 所有兄弟们心里都清楚
(43) 但没办法这是我们自己选择的路
(44) 那好吧 Original soldier, keep fire
(45) 这是我们的Cypher 兄弟们都在这
(46) 你看看他们身上哪个 还没点伤了
(47) 哪个不是天天希望自己兜里揣着一把枪
(48) 就像 我们的说唱 能够以柔克刚
(49) 先花了你的概念 再乱了你的气场
(50) 这些伤留在心里让你不能痊愈
(51) 就像我们的简历上边写着进过监狱
(52) 都是受过伤的经历过太多悲剧
(53) 谁不想变强壮好面对过去
(54) 无法逃避的我们需要keep it real
(55) 听听新的节奏 这就是purple soul
(56) 这就像是一种染料 改变了原来的Lifestyle
(57) 或者说是一种药 没有任何毒性
(58) 没有任何副作用 放在我的伤口上还能防止化脓
(59) 谁都知道 大的道理谁都懂
(60) 但遇事就犯懵 好了伤疤忘了疼
(61) 我们可以不尊重自己的身体
(62) 但别忘了最深的伤口 在心里
(63) 这是新的开始 keep the underground loop
(64) 别冲动这不是你最想走的路
(65) 在城市里被现实打败的过程
(66) 自以为是与众不同可谁知道疼
(67) 这种态度 purple soul 在保护
(68) DJ MC 涂鸦和你的舞步
(69) 自然紫色的疗伤药水治你的疼
(70) 除非你伤口干燥的已经化了脓
(71) 跟着来自心跳的节奏 漫步在黄金年代的街头
(72) Purple soul and loop
(73) 龙胆紫 再次带你回到那个时候的flow
(74) 2012 represent从东边儿到西边儿到南边儿到北边儿
(75) 所有跟我们挂链儿的还跟我们吊一块儿
(76) Keep it real
(77) Purple soul
(78) What the fuck
(79) Fuck the world

Traditional Chinese

(1) 龍膽紫
(2) 跟著來自心跳的節奏 漫步在黃金年代的街頭
(3) purple soul and loop
(4) 龍膽紫 再次帶你回到那時候的flow
(5) 說實話謀殺了人的思想強制洗腦之後的偉大領袖統治我的祖國
(6) 熟悉的夢帶著光劃過眼前
(7) 直到窗外的噪音打擾了我的睡眠
(8) 你發現 我也發現了你所有經歷遭遇的和我相同相似在想的問題
(9) 這麼大的地球自由的人受委屈
(10) 貪的注入苦海下面是地獄
(11) 別裝逼 誰想去 你離開我繼續
(12) 得把注意力轉移 翻來覆去考慮
(13) 想化解自私與矛盾被誤會滋養的根 得罪的裝得真的藏得深的像針
(14) 誰怕被扎破了除非你是玩了命的時代機器 還在得意著保了密的勞動積蓄
(15) 不可操之過急 這個社會主義目的讓你騙了自己
(16) 新的開始 keep the underground loop
(17) 別衝動這不是你最想走的路
(18) 在城市裡被現實打敗的過程
(19) 自以為是與眾不同可誰知道疼
(20) 這種態度 purple soul 在保護
(21) DJ MC 塗鴉和你的舞步
(22) 自然紫色的療傷藥水治你的疼
(23) 除非你傷口乾燥的已經化了膿
(24) 還是按老規矩 keep fire burning
(25) 點燃 jah 的火焰燃燒 Babylon 的城市
(26) 如果無恥已經成為你生活的方式
(27) 那麼我想讓你看看什麼才叫活得真實
(28) 每個身上的傷疤都代表什麼
(29) 別拿出來炫耀了好嗎 至少你現在還活著
(30) 可能最疼的感覺你早就已經忘了
(31) 但是我保證還有更新的 良心說唱
(32) 龍膽紫來自自然 生活在城市
(33) 根兒在地下家在ghetto混在街頭
(34) 在那時候我沒有別的選擇只有拳頭
(35) 但是我現在舉起拳頭是為了自由
(36) 紫色靈魂 幫你止血消毒
(37) 給你一個傷疤 是為了讓你以後記住
(38) 當愛的力量大過與對力量的愛
(39) 這個世界才會和平你才會感到自由
(40) 站在自己的Hood, I represent my crew
(41) 江湖人是過河卒 路是不歸路
(42) 所有兄弟們心裡都清楚
(43) 但沒辦法這是我們自己選擇的路
(44) 那好吧 Original soldier, keep fire
(45) 這是我們的Cypher 兄弟們都在這
(46) 你看看他們身上哪個 還沒點傷了
(47) 哪個不是天天希望自己兜里揣著一把槍
(48) 就像 我們的說唱 能夠以柔克剛
(49) 先花了你的概念 再亂了你的氣場
(50) 這些傷留在心裡讓你不能痊癒
(51) 就像我們的簡歷上邊寫著進過監獄
(52) 都是受過傷的經歷過太多悲劇
(53) 誰不想變強壯好面對過去
(54) 無法逃避的我們需要keep it real
(55) 聽聽新的節奏 這就是purple soul
(56) 這就像是一種染料 改變了原來的Lifestyle
(57) 或者說是一種藥 沒有任何毒性
(58) 沒有任何副作用 放在我的傷口上還能防止化膿
(59) 誰都知道 大的道理誰都懂
(60) 但遇事就犯懵 好了傷疤忘了疼
(61) 我們可以不尊重自己的身體
(62) 但別忘了最深的傷口 在心裡
(63) 這是新的開始 keep the underground loop
(64) 別衝動這不是你最想走的路
(65) 在城市裡被現實打敗的過程
(66) 自以為是與眾不同可誰知道疼
(67) 這種態度 purple soul 在保護
(68) DJ MC 塗鴉和你的舞步
(69) 自然紫色的療傷藥水治你的疼
(70) 除非你傷口乾燥的已經化了膿
(71) 跟著來自心跳的節奏 漫步在黃金年代的街頭
(72) Purple soul and loop
(73) 龍膽紫 再次帶你回到那個時候的flow
(74) 2012 represent從東邊兒到西邊兒到南邊兒到北邊兒
(75) 所有跟我們掛鍊兒的還跟我們吊一塊兒
(76) Keep it real
(77) Purple soul
(78) What the fuck
(79) Fuck the world


(1) Purple Soul
(2) Follow the rhythm from the heartbeat, walking on the streets in the golden age
(3) Purple Soul and loop
(4) Purple Soul once again take you back to the flow of that time
(5) To be honest the great leader who murdered the people’s mind and forced them to be brainwashed is ruling my country
(6) I see familiar dreams come across the light
(7) Until the noise outside the window wake me up from sleep
(8) You found that, I also found that all the experience you encountered and the question that I think about is the same
(9) Such a big Earth but the men are aggrieved
(10) Be greedy until drop into the bitter sea and down to hell
(11) Do not pretend, who want to go, you leave and I continue
(12) Have to turn away your attention, think over it again and again
(13) Want to resolve the selfishness and contradiction, misunderstanding nourished the root, Pretending and Hiding deep inside like a needle
(14) Who is afraid of being punctured unless you are the time machine which playing the life, still proud of it, keeping the secret of the labor savings
(15) Don’t be hasty, the purpose of socialism makes you cheated yourself
(16) New start, keep the underground loop
(17) Do not be impulsive, this is not the way you wanted to go
(18) The process of being defeated by the reality in the city
(19) Being opinionated and different, but who knows the pain?
(20) This attitude, purple soul is protecting
(21) DJ, MC, graffiti and your step
(22) Natural purple healing medicine to cure your pain
(23) Unless your dry wound has been suppurated
(24) Still follow to the old rules, keep the fire burning
(25) Ignite Jah’s flames, burn Babylon’s city
(26) If shameless has become your way of life
(27) Then I want to show you what is called real live
(28) Every scar represents anything
(29) Don’t show off please, at least you are still alive
(30) Perhaps the most painful feeling you have long forgotten
(31) But I promise there are more updated conscientious rap
(32) Purple Soul comes from the natural, living in the city
(33) Roots in the underground, home in ghetto, wandering on the streets
(34) At that time, I had no choice but only fist
(35) But now I lifting my fist for freedom
(36) Purple soul helps you stop the bleeding and to disinfect
(37) Give you a scar, to make you remember in the future
(38) When the power of love is greater than the love of power
(39) The world will be peace, then you will feel free
(40) Standing on your own Hood, I represent my crew
(41) You can’t go back, the road has no return
(42) All the brothers are clear
(43) But no way, this is the way we choose ourselves
(44) Well, soldier, keep fire
(45) This is our Cypher, brothers all here
(46) You look at them, who doesn’t have a scar
(47) Everyone also hope to carry a gun in the pocket everyday
(48) Just like our rap can used to make a soft kill
(49) First take your concept and then mess up your aura
(50) These injuries remain in your heart makes you cannot heal
(51) Just like our resume is written ‘once jailed before’
(52) We are injured, experienced too many tragedies
(53) Who do not want to become stronger to face the past
(54) We cannot escape, need to keep it real
(55) Listen to the new rhythm, this is the purple soul
(56) It’s like a dye that changed the original lifestyle
(57) Or that a drug does not have any toxicity
(58) Without any side effects, I can also prevent suppuration if I apply on my wounds
(59) Everyone knows it, everyone knows the major principles
(60) But muddled on everything, forget the pain when the scar has been cured
(61) We can disrespect our body
(62) But do not forget the deepest wound in the heart
(63) This is the new start to keep the underground loop
(64) Do not be impulsive, this is not the way you wanted to go
(65) The process of being defeated by the reality in the city
(66) Being opinionated and different, but who knows the pain?
(67) This attitude, purple soul is protecting
(68) DJ, MC, graffiti and your step
(69) Natural purple healing medicine to cure your pain
(70) Unless your dry wound has been suppurated
(71) Follow the rhythm from the heartbeat, walking on the streets in the golden age
(72) Purple soul and loop, once again take you back to the flow of time
(73) Purple Soul once again take you back to the flow of that time
(74) 2012 represent from the east to the west to the south to the north
(75) Everyone who hanging chain still hanging together
(76) Keep it real
(77) Purple soul
(78) What the fuck
(79) Fuck the world

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