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Learn Chinese from hip-hop. Read the lyrics in English, Simplified, and Traditional Characters with a pop-up dictionary. Dope rap from China.

Simplified Chinese

(1) 你是那种哦 帅到爆炸那种哦
(2) 飞的那种哦 卖的巨贵那种哦
(3) 紫的那顶呢 适合你的那种哦
(4) 戴你头上今晚溝到女的那种哦
(5) 说唱那种哦 嘻哈少年那种哦
(6) 权志龙的那种 卖到爆炸那种哦
(7) 创记录那种 遭人妒忌那种啦
(8) 颜色有点黄又很暴力的那种啦
(9) 你用性感来中和太飞的那种哦
(10) 穿的太黑别人都在追的那种哦
(11) 你在创作要借助药物的那种哦
(12) 时尚超酷教主潮流教父那种啊
(13) 美得吓人喜欢换头像的那种啦
(14) 高冷那种啦 说话超损那种啦
(15) 有点飞人那种啦 行业标准那种哦
(16) 聊不下去没话题玩手机的那种啦
(17) 一国两制被删掉的那种咩?
(18) 哇,没想到的那种哦
(19) 有内容的那种 拍照片的那种哦
(20) 开玩笑的那种 有经验的那种哦
(21) 搓手那种哦 天天播种那种哦
(22) 混圈那种哦 谁都认识那种哦
(23) 随身带充电宝怕没电的那种啊
(24) 管他懂没懂你不会变的那种啦
(25) 信上帝的那种 不讲道理那种哦
(26) 停不下来一直 劝导你的那种哦
(27) 不喜欢的那种 1变3的那种哦
(28) 玩神秘的那种 不简单的那种哦
(29) I don’t give a fuck 无所谓的那种啊
(30) 爱了就很纠结 很纠结的那种啊
(31) 喜欢就马上去试一下的那种啦
(32) 当下就 必须要解决的那种哦
(33) 烦人那种哦 继续矛盾那种哦
(34) 喜欢跟讨厌是同义词的那种哦
(35) 让人尴尬 又让人惊讶那种啊
(36) 你就是啊 帅到爆炸那种啦

Traditional Chinese

(1) 你是那種哦 帥到爆炸那種哦
(2) 飛的那種哦 賣的巨貴那種哦
(3) 紫的那頂呢 適合你的那種哦
(4) 戴你頭上今晚溝到女的那種哦
(5) 說唱那種哦 嘻哈少年那種哦
(6) 權志龍的那種 賣到爆炸那種哦
(7) 創記錄那種 遭人妒忌那種啦
(8) 顏色有點黃又很暴力的那種啦
(9) 你用性感來中和太飛的那種哦
(10) 穿的太黑別人都在追的那種哦
(11) 你在創作要藉助藥物的那種哦
(12) 時尚超酷教主潮流教父那種啊
(13) 美得嚇人喜歡換頭像的那種啦
(14) 高冷那種啦 說話超損那種啦
(15) 有點飛人那種啦 行業標準那種哦
(16) 聊不下去沒話題玩手機的那種啦
(17) 一國兩制被刪掉的那種咩?
(18) 哇,沒想到的那種哦
(19) 有內容的那種 拍照片的那種哦
(20) 開玩笑的那種 有經驗的那種哦
(21) 搓手那種哦 天天播種那種哦
(22) 混圈那種哦 誰都認識那種哦
(23) 隨身帶充電寶怕沒電的那種啊
(24) 管他懂沒懂你不會變的那種啦
(25) 信上帝的那種 不講道理那種哦
(26) 停不下來一直 勸導你的那種哦
(27) 不喜歡的那種 1變3的那種哦
(28) 玩神秘的那種 不簡單的那種哦
(29) I don’t give a fuck 無所謂的那種啊
(30) 愛了就很糾結 很糾結的那種啊
(31) 喜歡就馬上去試一下的那種啦
(32) 當下就 必須要解決的那種哦
(33) 煩人那種哦 繼續矛盾那種哦
(34) 喜歡跟討厭是同義詞的那種哦
(35) 讓人尷尬 又讓人驚訝那種啊
(36) 你就是啊 帥到爆炸那種啦


(1) What kind of person are you yo., that kind of handsome yo
(2) That kind of flying yo, that kind of expensive yo
(3) That purple hat, that kind of right for you yo
(4) Wear it on your head, pick up a girl at tonight yo
(5) That kind of rap yo, that kind of hip-hop boy yo
(6) That kind of G-Dragon yo, that kind of bestselling yo
(7) That kind of breaking record yo, that kind of make people jealous yo
(8) That kind of erotic and violent yo
(9) You use sexiness to neutralize that kind of flying yo
(10) That kind of wearing black and everyone chasing after you yo
(11) That kind of creative when you still need drugs yo
(12) That kind of fashion leader trendy godfather yo
(13) That kind of beautiful and like to change your profile picture yo
(14) The kind of cool and bad mouth yo
(15) That kind of superman yo, that kind of industry standard yo
(16) That kind of no topic and playing with your cell phone yo
(17) That kind of erased concept, one country with two systems yo
(18) Wow, that kind of unexpected yo
(19) That kind of content, that kind of photo yo
(20) That kind of joking, that kind of experienced yo
(21) That kind of lazy, that kind of work hard every day yo
(22) That kind of depth communication, that kind of wide connection yo
(23) That kind of carry power bank and worried about low battery yo
(24) That kind of won’t change anything for anyone yo
(25) That kind of god-believers, that kind of unreasonable yo
(26) That kind of can’t stop to persuade you yo
(27) That kind of unlikeable, that kind of likeable yo
(28) That kind of mysterious, that kind of complicated yo
(29) I do not give a fuck, that kind of nobody cares yo
(30) That kind of tangled in love yo
(31) That kind of go and try when you like something yo
(32) That kind of always make a prompt decision yo
(33) That kind of annoying yo, that kind of contradictory yo
(34) That kind of love and hate is the synonyms yo
(35) That kind of make people embarrassed and surprised yo
(36) That’s you oh, that kind of handsome yo

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