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Simplified Chinese:

(1) (醉汉) 计程车司机一定在偷偷笑我
(2) (司机) 你不能喝 还要喝 结果吐的一车
(3) 你怎么好意思还自称饶舌界的一哥
(4) 你快付我两千 我等等要洗车
(5) (醉汉)两千就两千 你别耍老千
(6) 我在台北市的房子 就不只两间
(7) (司机)喝醉的人总是好大的口气
(8) 你激不得他因为好怕他会葛屁
(9) (醉汉)我的视线 忽隐忽现 就快看不见
(10) 午夜的计程车上听着五月天
(11) (司机)你要去哪里 到底要去哪里
(12) (醉汉)喝的太醉 我没有办法回答你
(13) 时间 滴答 滴答滴
(14) 呕吐物在嘴里 好像是炸鸡
(15) 为什么会把车子停在这里
(16) 这里好像不是我的目的地
(17) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要开到哪里去
(18) 嘿嘿Taxi 别把我丢在这里
(19) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投诉你
(20) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是车牌忘了记
(21) (司机)超衰的 我昨天载到一个醉鬼
(22) 他呕吐物都快把后座给摧毁
(23) 他喝醉了在那边 灰灰灰
(24) 他吐完了竟然就 睡睡睡
(25) 他说他叫什么狗 什么狗
(26) 喝醉的动物都很丑 是管它什么种
(27) 不景气半夜开车 你懂是什么懂
(28) 吐我车上 两千 是够还不够
(29) 越想越气 看着照后镜
(30) 那个该死的拖油瓶 竟然还戴着墨镜
(31) 没有用 活像是坏掉的乐器
(32) 我决定 把你丢在路边 乌烟又瘴气
(33) 问你住哪 你无言 那是你放弃
(34) 一觉醒来你什么都会忘记
(35) 醉鬼我看多了 你又不是皇帝
(36) 这次丢热狗 我上次丢Gary
(37) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要开到哪里去
(38) 嘿嘿Taxi 别把我丢在这里
(39) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投诉你
(40) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是车牌忘了记
(41) (醉汉)我像具无名的尸体 躺在无名的公园
(42) 醒来这里是哪 那狐疑的空间
(43) Find me in da club 星期五都在SPARK
(44) 和我的兄弟 饶舌界的Young Stars
(45) 只记得 我们一直喝 一直Shot
(46) 回忆着 最后带着一票马子去CashBox
(47) 我不是一个随便的人
(48) 但我随便起来简直就不是人
(49) 所以大家都喜欢跟着我混
(50) 夜生活最闪亮的就是我们
(51) 可是现在我真的好糗
(52) 全身上下的行头 都被人扛走
(53) 现在到底几点钟 别问我
(54) 手表 手机 墨镜被人拿走顺手
(55) 到底 为何我会在这里
(56) 喔 对了 有一台Taxi
(57) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要开到哪里去
(58) 嘿嘿Taxi 别把我丢在这里
(59) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投诉你
(60) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是车牌忘了记
(61) 嘿嘿Taxi 嘿嘿Taxi

Traditional Chinese:

(1) (醉漢) 計程車司機一定在偷偷笑我
(2) (司機) 你不能喝 還要喝 結果吐的一車
(3) 你怎麼好意思還自稱饒舌界的一哥
(4) 你快付我兩千 我等等要洗車
(5) (醉漢)兩千就兩千 你別耍老千
(6) 我在台北市的房子 就不只兩間
(7) (司機)喝醉的人總是好大的口氣
(8) 你激不得他因為好怕他會葛屁
(9) (醉漢)我的視線 忽隱忽現 就快看不見
(10) 午夜的計程車上聽著五月天
(11) (司機)你要去哪裡 到底要去哪裡
(12) (醉漢)喝的太醉 我沒有辦法回答你
(13) 時間 滴答 滴答滴
(14) 嘔吐物在嘴裡 好像是炸雞
(15) 為什麼會把車子停在這裡
(16) 這裡好像不是我的目的地
(17) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
(18) 嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
(19) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
(20) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
(21) (司機)超衰的 我昨天載到一個醉鬼
(22) 他嘔吐物都快把後座給摧毀
(23) 他喝醉了在那邊 灰灰灰
(24) 他吐完了竟然就 睡睡睡
(25) 他說他叫什麼狗 什麼狗
(26) 喝醉的動物都很醜 是管牠什麼種
(27) 不景氣半夜開車 你懂是什麼懂
(28) 吐我車上 兩千 是夠還不夠
(29) 越想越氣 看著照後鏡
(30) 那個該死的拖油瓶 竟然還戴著墨鏡
(31) 沒有用 活像是壞掉的樂器
(32) 我決定 把你丟在路邊 烏煙又瘴氣
(33) 問你住哪 你無言 那是你放棄
(34) 一覺醒來你什麼都會忘記
(35) 醉鬼我看多了 你又不是皇帝
(36) 這次丟熱狗 我上次丟Gary
(37) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
(38) 嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
(39) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
(40) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
(41) (醉漢)我像具無名的屍體 躺在無名的公園
(42) 醒來這裡是哪 那狐疑的空間
(43) Find me in da club 星期五都在SPARK
(44) 和我的兄弟 饒舌界的Young Stars
(45) 只記得 我們一直喝 一直Shot
(46) 回憶著 最後帶著一票馬子去CashBox
(47) 我不是一個隨便的人
(48) 但我隨便起來簡直就不是人
(49) 所以大家都喜歡跟著我混
(50) 夜生活最閃亮的就是我們
(51) 可是現在我真的好糗
(52) 全身上下的行頭 都被人扛走
(53) 現在到底幾點鐘 別問我
(54) 手錶 手機 墨鏡被人拿走順手
(55) 到底 為何我會在這裡
(56) 喔 對了 有一台Taxi
(57) 嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
(58) 嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
(59) 嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
(60) 嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
(61) 嘿嘿Taxi 嘿嘿Taxi


(1) (Drunkard) Taxi driver must be laughing at me
(2) (Driver) You can’t drink but still want to drink, now vomit on my car
(3) How are you going to claim yourself as Rapper Number 1
(4) Faster pay me two thousand, I have to wash the car
(5) (Drunkard) two thousand, two thousand, please don’t cheat me
(6) I have more than two houses in Taipei
(7) (The driver) Drunkard is always a big tone
(8) You cannot tease him because he will fart
(9) (Drunkard) My vision is blurred, going to blackout
(10) Listen to Mayday on the taxi at midnight
(11) (Driver)Where you want to go? Where is it?
(12) (Drunkard) I am too drunk, I cannot answer you
(13) Time is ticking
(14) Vomit in the mouth, like a fried chicken
(15) Why you stop your car here?
(16) It’s not my destination
(17) Hey Hey Taxi, where do you want to go
(18) Hey Hey Taxi, do not leave me here
(19) Hey Hey Taxi, I will make a complaint to you tomorrow
(20) Hey Hey Taxi, but I forgot the license plate number
(21) (Driver) It’s bad, I took a drunkard yesterday
(22) His vomit almost destroys my back seat
(23) He was drunk over there
(24) He slept after vomited
(25) He said he is what dog what dog
(26) The drunken animals are ugly no matter what it is
(27) Drive in the middle of the night, in a depressed life, do you understand
(28) Vomited in my car, two thousand, enough or not
(29) Getting angry when I think about it, when I look at the back mirror
(30) That damn trouble maker even wore a sunglass
(31) Useless like a broken machine
(32) I decided to throw you on the roadside, the atmosphere is foul
(33) Asked you where you stay, you kept quiet, that’s mean you give up
(34) You will forget everything when you wake up
(35) I saw many drunkards before, you are not a king
(36) This time left HotDog, last time left Gary
(37) Hey Hey Taxi, where do you want to go
(38) Hey Hey Taxi, do not leave me here
(39) Hey Hey Taxi, I will make a complaint to you tomorrow
(40) Hey Hey Taxi, but I forgot the license plate number
(41) (Drunkard) I am like an unidentified dead body lying in an unknown park
(42) Where is this place, this suspicious space
(43) Find me in da club Friday at the SPARK
(44) With my brother, Young Stars among the rapper
(45) Just remember that we had been drinking Shot
(46) Remember that we brought girls to the Cash Box
(47) I am not a random guy
(48) But I can be up and not human
(49) So people like to chill with me
(50) We are shining in the night life
(51) But now I’m so embarrassing
(52) Valuable things from my head to my feet have been stolen
(53) Don’t ask me what time is it
(54) Watch, mobile phone, sunglasses were stolen
(55) Why I am here
(56) Oh ya, there was a Taxi
(57) Hey Hey Taxi, where do you want to go
(58) Hey Hey Taxi, do not leave me here
(59) Hey Hey Taxi, I will make a complaint to you tomorrow
(60) Hey Hey Taxi, but I forgot the license plate number
(61) Hey Hey Taxi, Hey Hey Taxi

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