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Babbel Review Portuguese

Babbel Portuguese

Rating 4.2


Babbel is an online language-learning platform with over 1 million active users. The Babbel Portuguese app aims to get learners to a conversational level as quickly as possible through the use of a variety of exercises and spaced repetition for review. The courses are well put together and relatively inexpensive.

Quality 4.5

It’s well-designed and the content is immediately useful.

Thoroughness 4.0

The material provided is effective and covers a lot, but isn’t ideal for advanced levels.

Value 4.0

The price is relatively low for what’s offered, but you’ll have to purchase each language separately.

I Like
  • The content is practical for real-life use
  • It’s easy to use
  • The lessons are fairly short
I Don’t Like
  • The exercises can get repetitive
  • The review exercises don’t include grammar concepts
  • Speech recognition isn’t the best way to learn pronunciation

Babbel uses a recurring subscription model and offers a 20-day money-back guarantee. Price per month depends on the length of the subscription and only includes access to one language.

Monthly – $14.95/mo Every 3 Months – $12.65/mo Every 6 Months – $11.15/mo Every year – $7.45/mo

The prices listed here are for customers in the United States; they otherwise vary by region.

Countdown to Summer Sale! Get 60% off Babbel Lifetime Subscriptions. See details on the website. Offer ends on 5/5/2024.

Babbel Portuguese Overview

Babbel is an online language learning platform that offers courses in various languages, including Portuguese. With over 10 million users worldwide, Babbel is known for its interactive and practical approach to language learning.

It is important to note that Babbel specifically teaches Brazilian Portuguese, which is the most widely spoken variant of the language. The course focuses on both spoken and written Portuguese, covering vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and conversation skills.

The Portuguese course on Babbel is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate learners who want to improve their language proficiency. It starts with the basics, such as greetings, introductions, and simple everyday phrases. As learners progress, the course introduces more complex topics like verb conjugation, sentence structure, and idiomatic expressions.

What are the differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese?

European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese are two distinct variants of the Portuguese language. While they share many similarities, there are notable differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and even some cultural aspects. Here are the main differences between the two:


One of the most noticeable differences is in pronunciation. European Portuguese tends to have a more closed vowel sound, while Brazilian Portuguese has a more open vowel sound. For example, the vowel “e” in European Portuguese is often pronounced like “eh,” whereas in Brazilian Portuguese it is pronounced like “ee.”


There are several vocabulary differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese. Many words have different meanings or are entirely different. For instance, the word for “car” is “carro” in Brazil and “automóvel” or “carro” in Portugal. Additionally, there are regional variations in vocabulary within Brazil itself.


 While the basic grammar rules are the same, there are some differences in verb conjugation and syntax. For instance, the personal pronoun “você” is commonly used in Brazil, whereas “tu” is more prevalent in Portugal. Verb conjugation patterns can also vary, with some differences in the use of verb tenses and forms.

Things to consider before buying Babbel Portuguese

Language Variant

 Determine whether you want to focus on European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese. As we’ve discussed, Babbel primarily offers Brazilian Portuguese courses, so if you specifically want to learn European Portuguese, you may need to consider alternative resources.

Teaching Methodology

Evaluate Babbel’s teaching methodology and learning approach. Babbel emphasizes interactive and practical learning, with a focus on conversation skills. Make sure this methodology aligns with your preferred learning style and goals. Consider whether you prefer a more structured or flexible learning experience.

Course Content

Take a closer look at the course content provided by Babbel Portuguese. Assess the topics covered, vocabulary lists, grammar explanations, and exercises. Ensure that the content is comprehensive, engaging, and suitable for your learning needs. Babbel’s course content should be relevant, up-to-date, and applicable to real-life situations.

Price and Subscription Model

Review Babbel’s pricing structure and subscription options. Consider the cost of the course and the duration of the subscription. Babbel offers different subscription plans, so choose the one that best suits your budget and desired learning timeframe.

Features and Benefits of Babbel Portuguese

One of Babbel’s key strengths is its emphasis on real-life conversations. The platform incorporates interactive dialogues that simulate authentic situations, helping learners practice their speaking and listening skills in a practical context. Additionally, Babbel’s speech recognition technology allows users to compare their pronunciation with native speakers, enabling them to refine their skills.

The Portuguese course on Babbel also provides a range of supplementary materials to reinforce learning. These include vocabulary lists, grammar explanations, and exercises to practice reading and writing. Learners can access these materials on their computer or mobile device, making it convenient to study anytime, anywhere.

Babbel’s approach to language learning is based on scientifically proven methods and focuses on active engagement. Lessons are short and concise, allowing learners to make progress even with limited study time. The platform also employs personalized review sessions to reinforce previous lessons and ensure long-term retention of knowledge.

Alternatives to Babbel Portuguese

Pimsleur Portuguese

Pimsleur Portuguese is a language learning program developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur that focuses on teaching conversational skills in Brazilian and European Portuguese. The Pimsleur method is renowned for its emphasis on oral proficiency and its unique approach to language learning.

The Pimsleur Portuguese program is audio-based, which means it primarily relies on listening and speaking exercises. The lessons are designed to be completed in a sequential manner, building upon previous knowledge and gradually introducing new vocabulary and grammar concepts. Each lesson typically lasts around 30 minutes, making it convenient for learners to incorporate into their daily routine.


PortuguesePod101 is an online language learning platform that offers a wide range of resources and lessons for individuals interested in learning Portuguese. It provides a comprehensive and structured approach to language learning, catering to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. The platform makes use of a diverse range of content to cater to different learning styles and preferences. In addition to the core audio and video lessons, PortuguesePod101 provides supplementary materials such as lesson notes, vocabulary lists, grammar explanations, and quizzes. These resources help learners reinforce their knowledge and provide additional opportunities for practice.

A benefit of PortuguesePod101 over Babbel is that it covers a wide spectrum of proficiency levels, ensuring that learners of all backgrounds can find suitable materials. Whether you’re a complete beginner starting from scratch or an advanced learner seeking to refine your skills, the platform offers lessons and resources that cater to your specific needs and goals.

StoryLearning Portuguese Uncovered

StoryLearning Portuguese Uncovered is an innovative language learning approach that focuses on teaching Portuguese through captivating stories. Learners are exposed to carefully crafted narratives that follow characters through various situations and adventures. The stories are designed to be entertaining and engaging, making the language learning experience enjoyable and motivating.

The stories in Story Learning Portuguese provide learners with meaningful context for language acquisition. By immersing learners in realistic scenarios, they can acquire new vocabulary, grammar structures, and cultural insights in a natural and organic way. The context helps learners understand how the language is used in real-life situations, enhancing their overall comprehension and language proficiency.


In conclusion, Babbel Portuguese stands out as a top-notch language learning platform that effectively equips learners with the skills needed to navigate the world of Brazilian Portuguese. With its user-friendly interface, scientifically proven methods, and interactive approach, Babbel offers an engaging and comprehensive learning experience.

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