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Simplified Chinese

(1) 正当我睁开双眼 踏入这个世界
(2) 妈妈给我生命 现在让我自生自灭
(3) 这让我恐惧 在我的眼里每个人都戴着面具
(4) 回想过去 难道生命就是这样延续
(5) 我抽烟抽得我的肺都黑了
(6) 就像整个社会被人心笼罩着它也是黑的
(7) 我背着宿命的十字架
(8) 也渴望Power,Paper and Respect
(9) 我想这大概就是human nature
(10) 佛家说 烦恼即是菩提 我暂且不提
(11) 我倒是希望能够回到母体
(12) 老妈对不起 我时常把你气得跺脚
(13) 你说你后悔当初没有堕胎把我堕掉
(14) 每当我放学回家 放下那沉重的背包
(15) 家里空无一人 只残留着你香水的味道
(16) 那时我知道 你那天晚上又要加班
(17) 我打开冰箱 拿出微波炉食品当晚餐
(18) 老爸在凌晨两点钟 醉醺醺地回家
(19) 我从睡梦中醒来 只听到你们在吵架
(20) 我没有办法专心面对第二天的考试
(21) 老师他不喜欢我 我也不喜欢老师
(22) 我讨厌穿制服 我讨厌学校的制度
(23) 我讨厌训导主任的嘴脸 讨厌被束缚
(24) That’s true 很多人不屑我的态度
(25) 他们说我太酷 警察不爽我都曾将我逮捕
(26) I don’t give a fuck about 人家说什么
(27) 他们想说什么就说什么 但是他们算什么
(28) 没有谁有权利拿他的标准衡量我
(29) 主宰是我自己 随便人家如何想
(30) 我还是我 爱钱的女人只给凯子摸
(31) 不懂得用保险套的人别嫌孩子多
(32) 金钱力量虽大 却生不带来死不带走
(33) 紧握着双拳的人们何时能松开手?
(34) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(35) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(36) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(37) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(38) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(39) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(40) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(41) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(42) 法庭严肃的空气逼得我快不能呼吸
(43) 当时面临着终生监禁的我开始反省
(44) 铁栏杆之后又是个截然不同的景象
(45) 刑犯们眼神中看不到一点和平的气象
(46) 仅有一吋短的铅笔 写的是监狱风云
(47) 日记上描绘的不是美好的户外风景
(48) 自由在他们眼里才是憧憬
(49) 放一把自制武器在枕头旁 以防随时有人偷袭
(50) 有些人怀疑老婆在外偷情
(51) 有些人把家人寄来的信件一张一张好好收集
(52) 有些人二十四小时几乎在床上休息
(53) 有些人精神失常 因为受不了打击
(54) 三个月如火如荼的漫长等待已过去
(55) 出狱后的我得面对三年的缓刑期
(56) 这也好 一生中第一次感觉到幸福
(57) 但是生命的考验何止如此我不清楚
(58) 我不知道 接下来还有什么会发生
(59) 翻开报纸的新闻又是看到放火杀人
(60) 还记得某年无意间发现的照片
(61) 上面有阿姨对男人施行口交的恶心画面
(62) 这简直摧毁了她在我心目中的形象
(63) 我无法忘怀照片中那笑容多么淫荡
(64) 我抵抗 胸口存在着不安及惶恐
(65) 我不断听到痛苦的声音在内心怒吼
(66) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(67) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(68) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(69) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(70) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(71) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(72) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(73) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(74) 不论我走到天南 不论我走到地北
(75) 不论我走到哪都见识到人心的虚伪
(76) It’s kinda funny 在人的眼里只有money
(77) 外表好像要帮你 却只是想帮他自己
(78) 笑容可掬的脸后面 谁知道是个狼心狗肺
(79) 连朋友都能背叛 因为只有名利合他口味
(80) 她说她爱你的时候讲的是问心无愧
(81) 搞不好她爱的是你身后的荣华富贵
(82) 你可曾困惑 在你身旁谁是敌是友
(83) 对你落井下石的可能就是你的’挚友’
(84) 你可曾经历 当你最需要帮助的时候
(85) 平常跟你称兄道弟的人都突然失踪
(86) 亲爱的神 伟大的神
(87) 你可以怪我想法太过无知 但我只是人
(88) 我不信人 因为人也不信我 不要问我为什么
(89) 我最多只能告诉你这就是我
(90) 生命像海浪一样有时高有时低
(91) 你是否告诉自己坚强渡过各种时期
(92) 我从命运的天台放眼却看不到星空
(93) 漆黑的天空压在头顶使我不得轻松
(94) 在我心中 找不到一个安静的角落
(95) 我不能再沉睡下去 良心仿佛在笑我
(96) 它在说:有几天几夜老妈曾经为你以泪洗面
(97) 老爸他只顾己见 希望之火只见熄灭
(98) 我接起电话 是老爸憔悴的声音
(99) 虽没见面却不难想像他当时的神情
(100) 刚听完他最近失业的消息
(101) 脑海里马上浮现祖母的话 警告我一定要争气
(102) 我已经放弃所有哭的理由
(103) 因为我早就习惯冷漠活在无情的现实里头
(104) 人生要如何起头? 改变要如何起手?
(105) 当活在泥沼中 要如何才能金盆洗手?
(106) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(107) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(108) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(109) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(110) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(111) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(112) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(113) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(114) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(115) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(116) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(117) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡
(118) Life’s a struggle 日子还要过
(119) 品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubles
(120) Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
(121) 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡

Traditional Chinese

(1) 正當我睜開雙眼 踏入這個世界
(2) 媽媽給我生命 現在讓我自生自滅
(3) 這讓我恐懼 在我的眼裡每個人都戴著面具
(4) 回想過去 難道生命就是這樣延續
(5) 我抽煙抽得我的肺都黑了
(6) 就像整個社會被人心籠罩著它也是黑的
(7) 我背著宿命的十字架
(8) 也渴望Power,Paper and Respect
(9) 我想這大概就是human nature
(10) 佛家說 煩惱即是菩提 我暫且不提
(11) 我倒是希望能夠回到母體
(12) 老媽對不起 我時常把你氣得跺腳
(13) 你說你後悔當初沒有墮胎把我墮掉
(14) 每當我放學回家 放下那沉重的背包
(15) 家裡空無一人 只殘留著你香水的味道
(16) 那時我知道 你那天晚上又要加班
(17) 我打開冰箱 拿出微波爐食品當晚餐
(18) 老爸在凌晨兩點鐘 醉醺醺地回家
(19) 我從睡夢中醒來 只聽到你們在吵架
(20) 我沒有辦法專心面對第二天的考試
(21) 老師他不喜歡我 我也不喜歡老師
(22) 我討厭穿制服 我討厭學校的制度
(23) 我討厭訓導主任的嘴臉 討厭被束縛
(24) That’s true 很多人不屑我的態度
(25) 他們說我太酷 警察不爽我都曾將我逮捕
(26) I don’t give a fuck about 人家說什麼
(27) 他們想說什麼就說什麼 但是他們算什麼
(28) 沒有誰有權利拿他的標準衡量我
(29) 主宰是我自己 隨便人家如何想
(30) 我還是我 愛錢的女人只給凱子摸
(31) 不懂得用保險套的人別嫌孩子多
(32) 金錢力量雖大 卻生不帶來死不帶走
(33) 緊握著雙拳的人們何時能鬆開手?
(34) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(35) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(36) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(37) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(38) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(39) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(40) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(41) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(42) 法庭嚴肅的空氣逼得我快不能呼吸
(43) 當時面臨著終生監禁的我開始反省
(44) 鐵欄杆之後又是個截然不同的景象
(45) 刑犯們眼神中看不到一點和平的氣象
(46) 僅有一吋短的鉛筆 寫的是監獄風雲
(47) 日記上描繪的不是美好的戶外風景
(48) 自由在他們眼裡才是憧憬
(49) 放一把自製武器在枕頭旁 以防隨時有人偷襲
(50) 有些人懷疑老婆在外偷情
(51) 有些人把家人寄來的信件一張一張好好收集
(52) 有些人二十四小時幾乎在床上休息
(53) 有些人精神失常 因為受不了打擊
(54) 三個月如火如荼的漫長等待已過去
(55) 出獄後的我得面對三年的緩刑期
(56) 這也好 一生中第一次感覺到幸福
(57) 但是生命的考驗何止如此我不清楚
(58) 我不知道 接下來還有什麼會發生
(59) 翻開報紙的新聞又是看到放火殺人
(60) 還記得某年無意間發現的照片
(61) 上面有阿姨對男人施行口交的噁心畫面
(62) 這簡直摧毀了她在我心目中的形象
(63) 我無法忘懷照片中那笑容多麼淫蕩
(64) 我抵抗 胸口存在著不安及惶恐
(65) 我不斷聽到痛苦的聲音在內心怒吼
(66) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(67) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(68) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(69) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(70) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(71) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(72) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(73) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(74) 不論我走到天南 不論我走到地北
(75) 不論我走到哪都見識到人心的虛偽
(76) It’s kinda funny 在人的眼裡只有money
(77) 外表好像要幫你 卻只是想幫他自己
(78) 笑容可掬的臉後面 誰知道是個狼心狗肺
(79) 連朋友都能背叛 因為只有名利合他口味
(80) 她說她愛你的時候講的是問心無愧
(81) 搞不好她愛的是你身後的榮華富貴
(82) 你可曾困惑 在你身旁誰是敵是友
(83) 對你落井下石的可能就是你的’摯友’
(84) 你可曾經歷 當你最需要幫助的時候
(85) 平常跟你稱兄道弟的人都突然失蹤
(86) 親愛的神 偉大的神
(87) 你可以怪我想法太過無知 但我只是人
(88) 我不信人 因為人也不信我 不要問我為什麼
(89) 我最多只能告訴你這就是我
(90) 生命像海浪一樣有時高有時低
(91) 你是否告訴自己堅強渡過各種時期
(92) 我從命運的天台放眼卻看不到星空
(93) 漆黑的天空壓在頭頂使我不得輕鬆
(94) 在我心中 找不到一個安靜的角落
(95) 我不能再沉睡下去 良心彷彿在笑我
(96) 它在說:有幾天幾夜老媽曾經為你以淚洗面
(97) 老爸他只顧己見 希望之火只見熄滅
(98) 我接起電話 是老爸憔悴的聲音
(99) 雖沒見面卻不難想像他當時的神情
(100) 剛聽完他最近失業的消息
(101) 腦海裡馬上浮現祖母的話 警告我一定要爭氣
(102) 我已經放棄所有哭的理由
(103) 因為我早就習慣冷漠活在無情的現實裡頭
(104) 人生要如何起頭? 改變要如何起手?
(105) 當活在泥沼中 要如何才能金盆洗手?
(106) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(107) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(108) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(109) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(110) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(111) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(112) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(113) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(114) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(115) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(116) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(117) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
(118) Life’s a struggle 日子還要過
(119) 品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的troubles
(120) Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
(121) 有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡


(1) When I opened my eyes entering this world
(2) Mom gave me life, now I have to live and die alone
(3) It makes me sick, it seems like everyone is wearing a mask
(4) I think in the past, will my life continue like this
(5) I smoked so much that my lungs are black
(6) Black as the fog that suffocating the society
(7) I’m carrying my cross on my shoulders
(8) And I thirst for power, paper and respect
(9) I think this is probably just human nature
(10) Buddhists say that agony is enlightenment, I do not want to talk about it
(11) Honestly, I just want to crawl back into the womb
(12) Mom, sorry for always getting you so angry
(13) You said you should have aborted me when you had the chance
(14) Every time I get home from school, I put down my heave bag pack
(15) No one at home, only your persistent perfume
(16) I know you have to work overtime that night
(17) I opened the refrigerator and took out the microwave food for dinner
(18) Dad came home at two in the morning, he was drunk
(19) I wake up from my dream, you two are quarrelling
(20) How should I focus on exam the next day
(21) The teacher does not like me, and I do not like the teacher also
(22) I hate these uniforms, I hate the school system
(23) I hate the face of the discipline director, I hate to be bound
(24) That’s true, a lot of people don’t like my attitude
(25) They say I’m too cool, cops hate me so they arrested me before
(26) I don’t give a fuck about what other people say
(27) They can say whatever they want, but who are they
(28) No one has the right to judge me based on their standard
(29) What is important is to be myself, don’t care what do they think
(30) It’s still me, girls who love money only let the rich fuck them
(31) If you do not know how to use condoms, you should not blame for many children
(32) Money is powerful but you cannot take it with you when you die
(33) All these people clenching their fists, when will they let go
(34) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(35) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(36) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(37) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(38) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(39) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(40) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(41) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(42) I almost suffocate in the dead air of the court
(43) Facing a life sentence, I finally began to think
(44) Behind bars, nothing is the same
(45) There is no peace in the eyes of the criminals
(46) Just an inch of pencil, written about the prison
(47) The diary is not about a beautiful outdoor landscape
(48) The only thing they expect is freedom
(49) Putting weapons made by themselves under your pillows, to prevent from attack at any time
(50) Some people think their wives are cheating
(51) Some people collect letters from their family
(52) Some people were in bed twenty-four hours a day
(53) And some get crazy under all the pressure
(54) Three months of waiting have already passed
(55) After I left the prison, I still have to face three years of pardon
(56) Okay, I felt happy in my life for the first time
(57) I do not know how my life’s challenge gonna be
(58) And I do not know what will happen in the future
(59) I read the newspaper, it’s still fire and murder
(60) I remember the year I accidentally found those photographs
(61) Photos of an ugly scene, my aunt is giving a blowjob to a man
(62) It destroyed her image in my mind
(63) I cannot forget how loose the smile is in the picture
(64) I fight the fear and the restlessness in my stomach
(65) But I constantly hear the suffering roar in my heart
(66) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(67) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(68) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(69) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(70) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(71) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(72) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(73) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(74) It does not matter if I walk from south to north
(75) All I can find is the hypocrisy of mankind
(76) It’s kinda funny, people only have money in their eyes
(77) It seems they want to help, but they just want to help themselves
(78) Behind their smiling faces, no one knows how selfish they are
(79) Even friends can betray, when only fame will satisfy their taste
(80) When she says she loves you, she has a clear conscience
(81) But what she really loves is your wealth
(82) You’ve probably wondered who your real enemies are and who your real friends are
(83) Maybe your friends are the one who throw stones at you
(84) Have you ever experienced, when you need help the most
(85) Those who usually call you as brother will simply disappear
(86) Dear god, great god
(87) You can blame me for my ignorance, but I’m just human
(88) I do not trust people because they do not trust me, don’t ask me why
(89) All I can say is that it’s me
(90) Life is like the waves, it has high tides and low tides
(91) Have you told yourself that you survived each stage
(92) From the mountain peak of fate, I could not see any stars
(93) Just a silent black sky pressing me to the ground
(94) In my heart, I cannot find a quiet corner
(95) I cannot sleep, my conscience is laughing at me
(96) She says: How many days and nights did your mom cry for you?
(97) Dad only cares for himself, the fire of hope is off
(98) I pick up the phone and hear dad’s tired voice
(99) I didn’t see him, but it’s not hard to imagine his face
(100) When I finish listening to his unemployment story
(101) Grandma’s words are in my head, warn me to live up to expectations
(102) I’ve thrown away every excuse to cry
(103) I am accustomed to living coldly in this relentless reality
(104) How do I start my life? How to start the change?
(105) I’m in the middle of a swamp, how can I get clean?
(106) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(107) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(108) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(109) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(110) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(111) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(112) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(113) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(114) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(115) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(116) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(117) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain
(118) Life’s a struggle, but you still have to face the days
(119) You’ve tried everything but still have countless troubles
(120) Everyday, how many problems should you face
(121) How many nights will you be awake with fear and pain

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